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Summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell

The main topic of Animal Farm is the corruption of power and the dangers of totalitarianism. It serves as an allegorical critique of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Joseph Stalin.

Summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell
Summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell

The general idea of the book Animal Farm

Power Corrupts: The book explores how those who gain power can become corrupted by it, betraying the ideals they once fought for.

Totalitarianism: Orwell highlights the oppressive nature of totalitarian regimes and the manipulation of language and propaganda to control the masses.

Class Struggle: The animals' rebellion against the humans represents the struggle for equality and the inherent conflicts that arise in a class-based society.

About the author of Animal Farm

George Orwell, born Eric Arthur Blair, was an English writer known for his works exploring political and social issues. Orwell had firsthand experience with totalitarianism, having fought in the Spanish Civil War and witnessed the rise of Stalinism in the Soviet.

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Animal Farm book chapters

  • "Old Major's Dream": Old Major, a boar, shares his vision of a future without human oppression.
  • "The Rebellion": The animals successfully overthrow Mr. Jones and establish Animal Farm.
  • "A New Order": The pigs, led by Napoleon and Snowball, take control and establish their leadership.
  • "The Commandments": The animals adopt the Seven Commandments as guiding principles of Animalism.
  • "The Battle of the Cowshed": The animals repel a human attack, solidifying their control over the farm.
  • "The Windmill": Snowball proposes building a windmill to improve the animals' lives, but Napoleon opposes it.
  • "Expulsion of Snowball": Napoleon expels Snowball and consolidates his power.
  • "Changing Commandments": The pigs modify the Commandments to suit their own interests.
  • "The Tyranny of Napoleon": Napoleon becomes a tyrant, oppressing the animals and rewriting history.
  • "The Final State": The pigs fully transform into human-like creatures, betraying the original ideals of Animal Farm.

Animal Farm Book Conclusions

Power can corrupt even the noblest ideals.

Totalitarian regimes manipulate language and use propaganda to control the masses.

The struggle for equality often leads to new forms of oppression.


Animal Farm book in relation to other books

Animal Farm is often compared to Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, as all three books serve as cautionary tales about the dangers of oppressive regimes.

Animal Farm book audience

Animal Farm is aimed at readers of all ages, but its political allegory makes it particularly relevant for those interested in politics, history, and social justice.

Animal Farm book publication date

Animal Farm was first published by Secker and Warburg in London on August 17, 1945.

Reception or Critical Response to the Book

Animal Farm has received widespread critical acclaim for its powerful satire and political commentary. It is considered a classic and has been studied in schools around the world. The book continues to resonate with readers due to its timeless themes


1984 by George Orwell: Orwell's dystopian masterpiece, exploring a totalitarian society ruled by Big Brother.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley: A futuristic novel depicting a society controlled through pleasure and conditioning.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: Set in a society where books are banned, it delves into the consequences of censorship and intellectual suppression.

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